AMD punta ai sistemi mobile

amd_logoDopo i 1400 licenziamenti dei giorni scorsi e il desiderio di rinnovamento dopo il malumore portato da Bulldozer, AMD sembra volersi rinnovare e puntare dritto al mercato dei System on Chip (SoC).

A conferma di questa volontà ci sono i posti di lavoro offerti da AMD direttamente su Linkedin.

Tra i profili richiesti figurano i seguenti:

Video Architect, Sunnyvale CA - "Responsible for the design and development of x86/SSE and GPU-based Software video codecs, such as MPEG-2, H.264 and SVC"

SOC Integration Engineer, Austin TX - "Own floor planning (estimates & actual), C4 planning, packaging requirements, top level interconnects, implement overlays, full chip assembly along with associated physical verification of assembled chip for next generation AMD Server and Fusion microprocessors."

SOC Design Verification Engineer, Austin TX "This position is for an experienced verification engineer in AMD's SoC verification group working on next generation high performance x86 client and server microprocessors. The location is the Lone Star Design Center in southwest Austin."

System Software Development Engineer, Austin TX - "System Optimization Engineering team is seeking an experienced system-software developer to join AMD's modeling team for software-based simulation of AMD's future server, notebook, tablet and desktop platforms."

Learning and Development Manager, Austin TX - "The L&D Manager (Finance Transformation) position will support us in the transformation of our global Finance team. Engaging our employees globally, you will support the transformation of the Finance organization through the project management, facilitation, and coaching of the team via process and culture change specifically through training development, delivery, and sustainment."

Lo scontro in questo caso si sposta in direzione Nvidia e la concorrenza sarà direttamente con le piattaforme Tegra, un mercato in netta espansione grazie alla diffusione di tablet e netbook. Allo stesso tempo sembra che AMD non voglia abbracciare il mondo ARM, nonostante la annunciata compatibilità con Windows 8, queste soluzioni saranno probabilmente basati su core x86.

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